SmartTV Next Generation Whiteboard

Our Display4k App installs on a SmartTV to provide a connection with Google and Microsoft Office services. Edit your content and save, the hosting service will automatically push the updates out to the SmartTV. Displayed Content is viewable using Smart Devices such as the iPad and iPhone.

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You Content is Pushed to the SmartTV in Real-Time. Any Excel or Sheets Template is usable with the Display4k Technology.
SmartTV: Whiteboards

Smart TV Used for Whiteboards

Use Excel Spreadsheets to update the status fields being tracked. Your changes are immediately pushed to the SmartTV when the spreadsheet is saved. The same technology works for any documents created with hosted Office Suite Microsoft or Google applications.

SmartTV displaying Directory

SmartTV: e-Signage

Smart TV Used for e-Signage

SmartTV E-signage uses digital TVs to convey information, messages, and advertisements to a target audience. Use your office applications to create dynamic and visually appealing content. Perfect way to engage your audience.

SmartTV display Bulletin screen

SmartTV: Bulletin Boards

Smart TV Used for Bulletin Boards

Similar to the e-Signs but focuses on the ability to post multiple messages that fill the display area. Perfect for schools and social clubs.

One Posting can update multiple SmartTVs from a single posting.

Replace old bulletin board commonly used in businesses, schools and universities.