Display4k Controls SmartTVs
Our Display4k App installs on a SmartTV to connect with Google and Microsoft Office services. Edit and save your content and the hosting service updates the SmartTV. Also, displayed content can be viewed using Smart Devices such as Chromebooks, iPads, Android, and Apple Phones.

Display4k: e-Signage
SmartTV e-Signage
SmartTV E-signage uses TVs to convey information, messages, and advertisements to a target audience.
Use your office applications to create dynamic and visually appealing content. A perfect way to engage your audience.

Display4k: Bulletin Boards
SmartTV Bulletin Boards
Similar to the e-Signage but focuses on the ability to post multiple messages that fill the display area. Perfect for schools and social clubs.
One post can update several SmartTV Bulletin.
Replaces old bulletin boards used in businesses, schools, and universities with an electronic solution.
Display4k: e-Displayer
SmartTV Media Player
Direct a SmartTV to display any published content, posters, pictures and Videos. Create and display your own content without using costly media services and content providers
One post can update on multiple SmartTVs.
Replace old bulletin boards commonly used in businesses, schools, and universities.
Example: Rotating Poster
Your Content is Pushed to the SmartTV in Real-Time.
The SmartTV is mounted vertically to display the full-sized posters.
A gif file was created and the file location was provided to the Display4k Cloud Service. The Cloud Service instructs the Display4k App on the SmartTV where to find the content to be displayed.

How Display4k Works
- Display4k is installed on an Android/Google SmartTV
- Create Content using Word, Excel, PowerPoint or equivalent Office apps.
- Publish (Shared) the Content. Publishing produces a Shared-Link.
- The Shared-Link is entered into Display4k Cloud Services.
- The Shared Link is sent to the SmartTV.
- The SmartTV Reads and Displays the Content
- Changes to the content are immediately "pushed" to SmartTV.