The Retour SmartTV Bed Board
Use SmartTVs To Display Room-Bed Occupancy Board
Visual Cues Account for 83% of the Actions We Take

SmartTV Bed Board
Column Room Bed Format
The SmartTV Bed Board has several user selectable layouts. The above is display Color-coded Bed Zones showing the occupant's gender and/or availability. Green indicates a Vacant Bed.
Vacancies Only and Map Views are available. The following Status Tags display as Icons or badges:
- Bed Tags
- Room Tags
- Patient Tags

Grid Nursing Unit Format
Track Room-Bed availability and available services to provide quick answers for new prospects for admissions. Information updates in Real-Time.
Colored Tags (icons or Badges) can be set on Rooms, Bed and Patients providing visible indicators of their status.
This template is usually used in small hospitals as it provides more details about the patient and the services available with the room.

SmartTV Bed Board
Bed Editor
SmartTV Bed Board extends the functionality of EMRs by providing status tags for beds, rooms and patients.
The SmartTV Bed Editor allows Admissions to manage patient Admissions/Discharges/Transfers independently of their EMR. This allows Admissions to work without having to wait for updates from the EMR system.
Most EMR systems do not provide for entering Bed Reservations and Discharges schedule for future dates.
SmartTV Bed Board extends the functionality of EMRs by providing status tags for beds, rooms and patients.