NFC Medical Alert Tags

Carry critical medical information

EMT access via Smartphone or Smart Device

Medical Alert NFC Tag
Smartphone Reading NFC chip

NFC Medical Alert Tags

 NFC Medical Alert Tags hold 888 bytes of Emergency Medical information. This data coupled with our TAL Cloud Service provides access to your complete medical information. The data on the NFC chip has the medical critical information. 

Additional EMR information can be accessed via our TAL Cloud Service which can access the EMR information from Health Information Exchanges

Physician with Notepad
Medical Registration

NFC Medical Alert Tags 

These Tags are excellent tool for physicians. Patient no longer need to fill out the same forms again and again. Tap the Fob and the data is automatically filled out. Gain immediate access to critical medical information. use the Tags to access your EHR on the Health Information Exchanges (HIXs). 

NFC Structure
NFC Chip

​NFC Defined and Structure

NFC, near-field communication, is a technology that allows smart devices and smartwatches to exchange small amounts of data with other devices and read NFC-equipped tags over relatively short distances. The technology is similar to radio-frequency identification (RFID) commonly used in the security cards and keychain fobs that are used to get into your office or gym. NFC is an evolution of RFID that offers more advanced features and better security but cannot be read a long distances.

NFC Tags hold 888 bytes of information that can be read and updated by a Smartphone. The chip has an expected lifespan of 14 years and requires no batteries.